Debugging Issue with Posted Payment Certificate in Customer Dynamics NAV 2018

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that helps businesses manage their finances, supply chain, and operations. One of the key features of Dynamics NAV 2018 is its ability to handle payment certificates, which are documents that provide evidence of a payment made to a supplier. However, sometimes issues can arise when posting payment certificates, and it can be difficult to determine the root cause of the problem. In this blog post, we will explore some common debugging techniques for issues with posted payment certificates in Dynamics NAV 2018.

Step 1: Verify Certificate Information The first step in debugging issues with posted payment certificates is to verify the certificate information. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the payment certificate in question.
  2. Verify that the information on the certificate, such as the supplier name, payment amount, and payment date, is correct.
  3. If there are any discrepancies, correct the information and try reposting the payment certificate.

Step 2: Check Posting Setup The next step is to check the posting setup to ensure that it is configured correctly. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the “Posting Setup” page in Dynamics NAV.
  2. Verify that the account numbers and other posting details are correct.
  3. If there are any discrepancies, correct the setup and try reposting the payment certificate.

Step 3: Check Account Balances The third step is to check the account balances to ensure that they are accurate. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the “Chart of Accounts” page in Dynamics NAV.
  2. Verify that the account balances are accurate and match the payment certificate information.
  3. If there are any discrepancies, correct the account balances and try reposting the payment certificate.

Step 4: Check Posting Date The fourth step is to check the posting date to ensure that it is correct. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the payment certificate in question.
  2. Verify that the posting date is correct.
  3. If the posting date is incorrect, correct it and try reposting the payment certificate.

Step 5: Check for Errors The final step is to check for any error messages that may be preventing the payment certificate from posting. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the “Error List” page in Dynamics NAV.
  2. Check for any error messages related to the payment certificate.
  3. If there are any error messages, address them and try reposting the payment certificate.


Debugging issues with posted payment certificates in Dynamics NAV 2018 can be a challenging task. However, by following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can troubleshoot common issues and identify the root cause of the problem. Whether it’s verifying the certificate information, checking the posting setup, or checking for errors, taking a systematic approach can help you resolve the issue and ensure that payment certificates are posted accurately in Dynamics NAV 2018.

Kicking off a Dynamics Nav migration this week


Migrating from an on-premises installation of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 to the cloud-based software as a service (SaaS) offering of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central can be a challenging project. However, the benefits of the cloud-based platform, such as ease of scalability, accessibility, and security, make it an attractive option for many businesses. In this blog post, I will discuss the key considerations and steps involved in a successful migration project from Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 to Business Central in the cloud.

Step 1: Plan and Prepare The first step in any migration project is to plan and prepare thoroughly. This includes conducting a thorough assessment of the existing on-premises infrastructure, identifying any customizations or integrations that may need to be migrated or replaced, and selecting the appropriate cloud infrastructure and service provider.

It is also important to identify the key stakeholders and their roles in the project, define the timeline and budget, and establish a clear communication plan to keep everyone informed throughout the migration process.

Step 2: Data Migration The next step is to migrate the existing data from the on-premises Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 installation to Business Central in the cloud. This can be done using a variety of tools and methods, such as the Data Migration Wizard in Business Central, Microsoft’s Data Migration Service, or third-party migration tools.

It is important to ensure that the data is accurately migrated and validated, and that any necessary data transformations or mapping are performed to ensure that the data is compatible with the new cloud environment.

Step 3: Application Migration Once the data migration is complete, the next step is to migrate the customizations, integrations, and extensions from the on-premises Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 installation to Business Central in the cloud.

This can involve updating or replacing existing customizations and integrations to ensure compatibility with the cloud-based platform, and testing and validating the migrated applications to ensure they are working correctly.

Step 4: User Acceptance Testing and Training After the application migration is complete, it is important to conduct user acceptance testing to ensure that the new cloud-based system meets the needs of the business and users.

Training and support should also be provided to ensure that users are familiar with the new system and can effectively use it to perform their daily tasks.

Step 5: Go-Live and Post-Migration Support Once user acceptance testing and training are complete, the final step is to go-live with the new cloud-based system. It is important to ensure that any remaining issues are addressed promptly and that the system is stable and functioning correctly.

Ongoing post-migration support should also be provided to ensure that any issues or questions that arise are promptly addressed, and that users are able to fully leverage the benefits of the new cloud-based platform.


Migrating from an on-premises installation of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 to the cloud-based software as a service (SaaS) offering of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central can be a complex and challenging project. However, with careful planning, thorough preparation, and a well-executed migration plan, businesses can successfully migrate to the cloud-based platform and enjoy the benefits of scalability, accessibility, and security.